Östermalms Saluhall is located at Nybrogatan 31, Östermalm. Nearby is Berzelii park, Stockholm. Nearest subway is Östermalmstorg (approximately 50m away).
Östermalms Saluhall
Östermalms Saluhall is a delicatessen on Nybrogatan 31, Östermalm in Stockholm.
Östermalmshallen, eller Östermalms Saluhall som den egentligen heter, byggdes 1888 och är Stockholms äldsta saluhall. Här finns både restauranger och butiker som säljer delikatesser av alla olika slag. På senare år har den anrika "Hallen" genomgått en totalrenovering och återfått sin ursprungliga planlösning och glans.
Contact information
Opening hours
- Today 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM - Tomorrow 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM
11:00 AM - 11:00 PM - Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Edit opening hours
- Today 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Type of store:
User photos from Östermalms Saluhall User photos
Reviews from the web
By | Rating | Count |
| 4 |
Reviews of Östermalms Saluhall
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I have always loved Östermalmshallen and still do after the renovation. I am glad that the old premises have reopened. Appreciate how they have managed to expand the area where many places now have larger areas for actual restaurant where you can have lunch as well as dinner. Beautiful, good se...
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I commute between four and five stars but given the renovation so I save the last star for 2018 then "Gallery" opens again. It is said that it will be even more beautiful and even more clever with traders in the Middle, restaurants at the entrances and also as an indoor Conservatory. I cra...