
33 ratings
33 ratings

Stockholm offers a great diversity of art and design museums, but up until Fotografiska opened there was no museum wholly dedicated to photography. Since its debut in 2010, Fotografiska has become a firm favourite, also offering concerts, lectures as well as a renowned restaurant and bar.

Fotografiska, which is housed is a listed customs house at Stadsgårdskajen, is no ordinary museum but rather an international melting pot for photography. Major power players such as Martin Schoeller, Robert Mapplethorpe, Nick Brandt, Annie Leibovitz and David Drebin have graced the walls.

In addition to photography exhibitions, Fotografiska also offers courses, lectures and workshops for amateur and professional photographers alike, as well as concerts and 'artist talks'. The venue is also suitable for events and conferences. Guests can also browse the plethora of photography books in the museum gift shop.

Fotografiska's restaurant is a popular option, with unbeatable views over Djurgården and the water. The restaurant has undergone a huge transformation under the direction of Paul Svensson. The menu focuses on green, local and organic produce, and has received various awards including Gulddraken in 2015.

Seasonal dishes are served and the vegetables are presented as mains rather than sides. Guests compose their own menus consisting of cold, hot and sweet vegetable-based dishes. Meat and fish are available as sides. The idea is to pique the senses and offer a unique dining experience, where food, art and atmosphere are combined in a contemporary setting. Both lunch and dinner is served, and during an extensive weekend brunch menu is presented.

The bar is also heavily influenced by Fotografiska's dedication to sustainable practices. Organic, non-alcoholic beverages are served with liquor on the side. This contemporary take on cocktail hour further heightens the experience.

The café offers a moment of relaxation between the exhibitions. Organic, well-made soups, pastries and home roasted coffee are served. Come evening the café is transformed into a bar.

F Concept
F Concept is an extension of Fotografiska's contemporary offering in the form of a boutique in the middle of the city. Inspired by MoMA in NYC, museum related products are sold. Posters, exclusive prints and coffee table books are all part of the offering.

“F Concept, in the same way as Fotografiska, will be a place for world-class photography and unexpected meetings,” says Jan Broman, CEO and co-founder of Fotografiska.

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Reviews of Fotografiska

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Art gallery with extra everything! 🎨

Fotografiska is a place I really visit, some periods more than others. I go here with my friends but also book work meetings here even though it's not as central as my office.

My last visit was January 2024, where I saw the exhibition hip...

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There is nothing bad at all to say about Fotografiska. A wide palette of captivating exhibits that are regularly changed. Of which I return again and again and again. Just as appreciated by Stockholmers as by tourists. Beautiful location. And in the restaurant I've had about my best dining expe...

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It is located in a listed customs house on the city farm quay and it is a really inspiring place that I like very much. Been here three or four times over the years at different shows and they are always just as unique, exciting and beautiful. Photography is probably one of t...

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Photographic have really succeeded in creating a popigt museum with a wide audience. And it's very good.

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Love this museum which is not just a museum. Always pleasant and interesting exhibitions. Nice café, bar and restaurant. Stunning views. On the summer terrace.
Although the situation is tricky, so it's worth getting there. Charming shop where I among other things bought posters. Grea...


Fotomuseum mitt i stan. Stor turistattraktion. Varierande utställningar, så nästan alltid något nytt när man går dit. Restaurangdel som drivs av TV-kocken Paul Svensson.

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I am not a museum man, but art photography, I am weak. Photographic has dealt with this in the best way. It is an international institution that should not be missed whether as Locals or tourist.

Now they have also been the order of the restaurant that is gone from the classic "what-i...

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Really stylish gallery. Loved the place from the very beginning when they opened. Fun with a place that focuses on photographs. Think they worked with exciting and innovative exhibitors and all new exhibitions are tempting. Have gone there and put several different over the years. And Andy Warhol wa...

Ständigt utställningar värda att besöka, restaurangen (innehåll och utsikt) är grym, roliga events med jämna mellanrum (klubbar, aw, spelningar etc) samt en enkel men nästan jobbigt intressant shop som konkurrerar med ikea om vad som hänger på alla...

Älskar fotografiska! När folk vill ha tips om vad man ska hitta på i Stockholm så brukar ett besök hit vara mitt topptips. Förutom deras alltid lika bra och intressanta utställningar så har dom en trevlig restaurang med en mysig uteservering på sommar...

Jag va här en gång. Tror att jag va lite vilse då men hade humöret i topp iaf. Försökte beställa en planka med snaps men blev rekommenderad av den trevliga personalen att kolla på kort på väggen istället. Fina bilder tagna av nåt proff...

Tycker det är så härligt att ha något "turistigt" i sin hemstad som man vet att man kan och vill gå till flera gånger. I min mening den bästa kulturaktiviteten i Sthlm.

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Photography is so much more than a museum which I think adds to its success. There are always great shows in various categories. The Café and restaurant are knowledgeable on both food and drink, the view is amazing and the atmosphere feels calm and homely. Super for a lovely day's activi...

Fotografiska blir man aldrig besviken på, alltid intressanta utställningar! Se dock upp för att komma hit en lördag då alla stockholmare åker hit och det kan vara kö!

Brukar inte vara ett stort fan av museum generellt men Fotografiska bjuder på väldigt trevliga utställningar! Bra utställningar avrundades med riktigt gott kaffe och en underbar utsikt över vattnet och Djurgården. Rekommenderar verkligen fotografiska om man är de...

Fotografiska är en upplevelse att vandra runt i. Bra liten butik att handla i också. Trevlig personal. Restaurangen har bytt stil åtskilliga gånger. Det var mysigast med sofforna. Senast jag var där var det lite väl plastig känsla. Fantastisk utsikt.

Ett museum som byter utställning ofta så man gärna kommer tillbaka, deras restaurang är trevlig och har en härlig utsikt över Skeppsbron och deras shop har ett väldigt brett sortiment av fotoböcker inom flera genres.

Fotografiska är kultförklarad, grymma utställningar, huset lever även på kvällen med grymma event, krogen en riktig höjdare, galet lyckad satsning !!

Fotografiska har verkligen lyckats. Varje gång jag går dit på ett besök så blir jag fascinerad och tagen av den höga kvaliteten på utställningarna.

Hösten 2014 visades Höstsalonger och i media fick en bild mest uppmärksamhet men om...

Det finns alltid en intressant utställning att besöka. Restaurangen är ett stort plus!

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Where is Fotografiska?

Fotografiska is located at Stora Tullhuset Stadsgårdshamnen 22, Södermalm. Nearby is Tjärhovsplan, Stockholm. Nearest subway is Slussen (approximately 700m away).