Asia Trading Company

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Asia Trading Company
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Asia Trading Company is a restaurant and bar on Tegnergatan 37, City/Vasastan in Stockholm.

Stället har lagt ned!

Här på Tegnergatan hittar du detta påkostade asiatiska ställe tidigare kännt som Asia Trading Company. Utsidan har aldrig gjort mycket väsen av sig men väl inne är det annorlunda. Bakom det nya styret ligger Mikael Ljunggren, se även Ljunggrens.

Här serveras det vällagad asiatisk mat av kunnig personal. Vi har alltid fått ett exemplariskt bemötande! Asia Trading Company är inte rädda för att skruva upp volymen ett par decibel under kvällarna och allt som oftast spelar olika Dj's som skapar en härlig stämmning i lokalen.

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What type of bar is Asia Trading Company?

We have categorised Asia Trading Company as:

  • Cocktail bar

What kind of food is served at Asia Trading Company?

We have categorised the cuisine at Asia Trading Company as:

  • Sushi
  • Asian
  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • Spicy

What is the cost of dining at Asia Trading Company?

We have categorised Asia Trading Company in the price range High (££££).

Does Asia Trading Company serve sushi?

Yes, Asia Trading Company have sushi on their menu.

Is it expensive to eat at Asia Trading Company?

Asia Trading Company is in the high-end price range, so visitors can expect to pay more than at most other restaurants.

Where is Asia Trading Company?

Asia Trading Company is located at Tegnergatan 37, City, Vasastan. Nearby is Observatorielunden, Stockholm. Nearest subway is Rådmansgatan (approximately 200m away).