Buona Sera Pizzeria

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£ Restaurant
Buona Sera Pizzeria
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Buona Sera Pizzeria is a restaurant on Kungstensgatan 35, Vasastan in Stockholm.

Man brukar ju säga att "everything is bigger in America" men faktum är att även Sverige kan! På pizzeria- och pastastället Buona Sera serveras man pizzor som stavas rejäla med versaler. Antingen så mättar man sin egen hungriga mage ordentligt eller så kan man dela den runda läckerheten tillsammans med en vän, eller två, om kroppen inte knorrar efter riktigt lika mycket mat. Slå er ned jämte Handelsstudenterna som äter sin favoritpizza här eller ta med allt det goda hem.

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What kind of food is served at Buona Sera Pizzeria?

We have categorised the cuisine at Buona Sera Pizzeria as:

  • Pasta
  • Pizza
  • Fast food

What is the cost of dining at Buona Sera Pizzeria?

We have categorised Buona Sera Pizzeria in the price range Budget (£).

Can I order takeaway from Buona Sera Pizzeria?

Yes, you can order food to go from Buona Sera Pizzeria.

Does Buona Sera Pizzeria serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Buona Sera Pizzeria.

Where is Buona Sera Pizzeria?

Buona Sera Pizzeria is located at Kungstensgatan 35, Vasastan. Nearby is Observatorielunden, Stockholm. Nearest subway is Rådmansgatan (approximately 100m away).