Review of Matkonsulatet – by Adam L.


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Hard Place to review. I don't know how much I'm affected by my pretty high expectations.

We sat in the bar. Nice place, friendly service. Slightly slowly.

The menu is Catalan tapas. Don't know what the difference to ordinary tapas is. anyway. We were recommended to take 3-4 dishes per person. We took 9 electricity 10 dishes on two people. I like to test a lot. The food is not too big, and I thought it was just right. Price wise, most tapas are just below the dog ring. The bill landed on around 1200 I think, with two glasses of champagne and two glasses of äppelmust. Call it neither expensive nor inexpensive.

Of all the dishes, it was really just one that I was not so fond of. An egg and potatisvariant. The food was excellent. But it was really only some one who was really nice (the salmon in the picture). Bikinisarna was good, but really nothing special. Cod (?) Krocketterna also. Charkuterierna in the picture was really good, but charcuterie is rarely something that impresses me.

The grade is really a strong third. Had the expectations been non-existent had enough grade tipped over. Maybe we had a little bad luck this time. Feels like there are ambitions for better experience next time.