Review of Mr Voon Street Bar – by Adam L.

Mr Voon Street Bar

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NJae, this feels a bit like an emergency solution and not wholeheartedly (which I, however, think Real Mr. Voon is). There have been many tours back and forth on old Mother. I can hardly keep track of all the different concepts they have run. Mr. Voon Street Bar feels like a sudden jump lid. At a quick glance it can look a bit cool, but on closer look it's pretty sloppy decorated. They have thrown in some cheap (?) furniture, made a pretty cool bar, brightening a bit and hung a bit of flags all over the old Mother kitchen that is abandoned opposite the bar. Large areas, with few seats, which despite it echoes quite empty. Forgot to take picture unfortunately.

The menu also feels weird. The place is called Street Bar and will serve Asian Street food. Then it can not take half an hour for the food to come, while a 4-bit sushi costs 130 kr. The snack, which iofs can almost be called small dishes (would say that you need to eat 4-5 to be reasonably measured), costs around 70-80. The main courses, a handful, are, however, quite affordable around 150 kr. There is a poke bowl, a burger and some other. I took the burger and two snacks (duck liver burgers and dumplings). The dumpling was really good, the burger is completely OK and the burger approved with good sweet potato spommes. The company seemed to like their poke bowls a lot. Service approved.

The situation is dying and I have difficulty seeing this lift. The room is far too big and must cost multum. I think we'll see something new here (either from F12 or that they sell) shortly. Like the second part of the room with ordinary Mr. Voon though.