Review of O'Pizzicato – by Mimmi S.


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Dinner I give 5 stars but unfortunately the lunch will only get 3 stars. At dinner, neither I and the family could talk about anything other than how good each bite was we took. Fillet of Pike with lobster sauce and almond potatoes. Only negative was that we find many bones in the fish but the taste weighed them up. For this meal I still yearn back. The olive oil was extra good that was served to the bread before and the tables were nicely laid. Unfortunately, the lunch was not in the same class. The meat was tough, some gurkly and half tomato on the side, the food was warm and it felt just like a quick kitchen cooked de. The food was no longer connected to the interior and the place. Dinner I would to 100% recommend but do not have the same expectations for lunch.
They serve different lunch dishes every day and today's lunch menu is posted on their Facebook every day.