Oummi is a restaurant, bar and catering company on Lilla Nygatan 11, Old Town in Stockholm.
Har du tröttnat på typiska libanesiska rätter så som de brukar serveras i Stockholm, då ska du bege dig till Oummi i Gamla stan. Här satsar man på ett lite mer klassiskt och finare libanesiskt kök.
Välj någon av avsmakningsmenyerna - ni kommer inte att ångra er. Maten är otroligt god, stället är mysigt, personalen är trevlig! Svårt att inte överäta här 😅
Seems (according to reviews below) that they stepped up since my stay, a catastrophic event.
The host couple spent the whole evening asking the Stewart/restaurant manager/waitresses for help. It had been planned for two months and it stood between the Beirut Café and this place. Here they managed to appear extremely credible and would offer an "experience", the food would flow in and the music would pump freely after agreement. I was myself with the night before the event when one of the host couple went by to double check that everyone was on the same side, which was promised expensive and honestly.
The sound system was, however, damn, only the bass was heard in the reserved room and you could not discern the songs in between. The music did not want to "play too much" with the music so the rest of the restaurant does not run the risk of suffering. It was thus taken into account a bunch of passers-by drinking 18-19 year olds, instead of a larger group who booked and planned their 30årsfest.
Worst of all: welcome drinks would be served 1900 but they came in (at least) an hour later. The guests stood handed and the host couple ran around to arrange with the drinks instead of being able to greet the guests welcome.
At 20 the food would be served, but it came at 21. Small mezarätter without bread. You do not eat meza without bread. It resulted, of course, that the guests who waited for the food for two hours, left the plates shiny after a sisådär 15-20 min. The food was not filled (despite agreement) and the tables were not served. Another hour took it for the hot right to come out, right to the bread. Disaster!
Those who worked blamed everyone on each other while the host couple just ran around and tried to get the food to the guests.
The couple held their share of the agreement and forked out a decent monthly salary for this fiasco, while the restaurant broke all promises without any compensation whatsoever. They kicked hoof champion after this evening and could thus "start over"-Redo to do right. They were thus taught a lesson at the expense of the host couple who lost a large sum of money and their common 30årsfest.
Perhaps they have rowed, kicked and newly hired, but the gang behind this place lacks clearly morality and tries to fool people with "new concept", despite the fact that all Meza with hummus, cheese rolls and aubergineröra mm tasted exactly as in other Lebanese "fine dining". If you are familiar with this kitchen you know. However, the arrangement was cool. Pay for it feels great!
Seems (according to reviews below) that they stepped up since my stay, a catastrophic event.
The host couple spent the whole evening asking the Stewart/restaurant manager/waitresses for help. It had been planned for two months and it stood between the Beirut Café and this place. Her...
We were a group of 29 people who visited this amazing gem yesterday. The staff were very friendly and helpful. The rights came out at the right time, tasted amazing.
Can definitely recommend Oummi for anyone who loves the Lebanese cuisine!
Honestly, I'm SO disappointed, expected more from them. I was invited to a party and had been promised world-class service. But expectations did not come close to anything. The food was late, the music couldn't be fixed until we were on our way out, the food arrived 2 hours later than promised, the cakes that we had with us ended up in the garbage because they were going to serve us a dessert 30 minutes before we were going home, thus no candles were blown etc etc. The worst thing was that after the payment we got an excuse that sounded like this: Hold on, it doesn't matter. No, not at all. Just a whole month's salary for a failed party. Thank you and goodbye.
Honestly, I'm SO disappointed, expected more from them. I was invited to a party and had been promised world-class service. But expectations did not come close to anything. The food was late, the music couldn't be fixed until we were on our way out, the food arrived 2 hours later than prom...
Worst restaurant experience I've ever had. The food itself was good, once it came out... Extremely small portions, the bread came out for the main course and not the starter (note, meza!). We complained all evening and got a "thank you for your patience" back. This is for a booking of 30 people their first week. I still get anxiety when I think about this fiasco for a birthday party that the owner/butler/chef ruined. But karma is a bitch.
Worst restaurant experience I've ever had. The food itself was good, once it came out... Extremely small portions, the bread came out for the main course and not the starter (note, meza!). We complained all evening and got a "thank you for your patience" back. This is for a booking of...
Mycket dålig upplevelse av denna restaurang! Var där med ett stort gäng, som hade bokat och planerat och bestämt detaljer med de ansvariga. INGET blev som bestämt! Det hela var en katastrof. Vi var vrålhungriga och alla förseningar med precis ALLT, drinkar, förrätter, bröd, mat och efterrätt, gjorde att stämningen dog, irritationen ökade. Jag kunde till slut varken äta huvudrätten eller desserten på grund av att det kom ut så pass sent, att jag hade hunnit äta mig mätt på förrätter/sidorätterna och dessutom förlorade jag aptiten, klockan var redan mycket och jag blev alldeles för trött, irriterad och besviken. Trots missnöje och klagomål från oss fick vi betala full pris och nöja oss med en ursäkt.
Servicen i stort var oprofessionell och speciellt av restaurangchefen. Han var otrevlig och gav inget bra kundbemötande, vi kände oss ovälkomna, ignorerade och bortglömda. Utan någon anledning, ren brist på professionalism bara. Oflexibla med musiken också, vi önskade oss en viss musik men inget hände... Skulle aldrig rekommendera restaurangen för någon!
Mycket dålig upplevelse av denna restaurang! Var där med ett stort gäng, som hade bokat och planerat och bestämt detaljer med de ansvariga. INGET blev som bestämt! Det hela var en katastrof. Vi var vrålhungriga och alla förseningar med precis ALLT, drinkar,...
Väldigt trevligt bemötande och kunnig personal. Maten i sig var Väldigt bra lagad och goda smaker. Mysig lokal och man känner sig välkommen. Hit kommer jag definitivt Tillbaka.
Mycket nöjda efter en härlig kväll på denna nyöppnade restaurang. Allt från maten, musiken och inte minst drinkarna var utsökt. Grym inredning. Ser fram emot nästa besök.