Prime Burger Company Folkungagatan – ratings and reviews

Reviews of Prime Burger Company Folkungagatan

Wow vilken hamburgare! Jag är inte den som väljer hamburgare när jag är ute men besökte Prime burger med en större grupp och går mer än gärna tillbaka. Jag valde en diablo som innehöll 3x Cheese, Jalapeños, bacon and chipotle mayonaise och la...

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Great vegetarian burger. The best is probably California with halloumi.

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Scissors parts of my review from Prime on Birger Jarlsgatan. In the case of a pure cheeseburgers, I think both the Phils, Flipping and Burger Bistro is straw sharper. But if you're looking for a little grisigare Burger, with assorted toppings and sauces as is Prime masters according to me. I us...

Låt oss prata om hamburgare. Varför är det alltid så gott? Prime Burger lyckas med bra hamburgare och servicen på söder är riktigt härlig!

Jag undrar när det ska vara över med Hamburger-hypen. Är den över men vi kan bara inte sl...


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I've eaten more of their burgers and they have all been incredibly well (California Burger is easily the best) and their French than to smile. However, the staff incredibly unhelpful, slow and pretty nasty so I always buy with me.

Unfortunately, I do not think their bönburgarsorti...

Helt okej burgare, men inget man känner suget efter direkt. Pommes var goda däremot. Trög personal.

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Did a spontaneous visit and ate a "plain cheeseburger" which was exactly as it should be, just enough greasy and not quite cooked through. The bread ("natural potato roll") was slightly toasted and airy, also it completely to my taste. To it, thin thin french fries with a lot of...

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Good Burger but staff had extremely poor track of their guests which pulls down the grade substantially. Two staff who wanted to take the order, no matter if dessert and there was general confusion.

Har ätit middag här men föredrar att luncha på Prime Burger. De är lite små men oljiga, köttet brukar vara välstekt, ibland knaprig, det funkar riktigt bra om man är på fast food humör och är runt krokarna. Söder har inte mång...

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I have visited Prime Burger on two occasions. At my first visit, I ate a plain cheeseburger which was delicious. However, I was extremely irritated by the staff that was unpleasant.
The second time I visited the restaurant where the staff much friendlier and hamburger delivered once again.

Pommes frites på sötpotatis är ett vinnande koncept. Har tyvärr inget veganskt. Deras bönburgare var lite snål med BBQ, skulle gärna disponerat BBQ-sås över hela konstalationen.

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Ate chili cheese burger with chili cheese fries as a side, one of the best burgers I've eaten in a long time!

Bästa hamburgaren i stan!!