Restaurang Räkan – ratings and reviews

Reviews of Restaurang Räkan

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A bit mossy feeling on the spot, but the seafood was really really good actually!


Gud, är så splittrad efter den här upplevelsen. Vet inte riktigt vad jag känner.

Lokalen får mig av någon anledning att tänka på en Finlandsfärja. Eller är det namnet som för mig dit? Det är inte direkt mysig trots dämpa...

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A little mixed thoughts after visiting here. Came here for dinner not so long ago after I went to a musical nearby.

When you enter you are greeted by a stylish decorated bar and nice bartender who welcomed you. All around are all the various boats, marine, sea and seafood inspiring dé...

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Very good breakfast. Liked the concept of the shrimp boat you got to drive yourself in the basin they have in the middle of the room. Is highly recommended.


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Top class food and service. Recommended. Sorry, shrimp-ommenderas. :-)

Hello.we had an awful expérience in rakan restaurant considering it was spécial occasion mariage is really disipointing evening the food below average service very poor.i would never recomend it to any dinners as we payed over 1600 and no manager to talk to staff standin...

Var här i somras och åt lunch i en folktom restaurang. Två jobbade i servisen och vi fick knappt någon service. Utöver det serverades klart ammoniakluktande räkor, vilket brukar orsakas av bakterietillväxt på räkorna - blev inte ens erbjuden någ...

Tack Räkan! Vilket ställe! Fantastisk mat, toppenservice och mysig miljö. Kommer definitivt tillbaka. Hela sällskapet på 8 pers var mer än nöjda. Extra plus för en trevlig göteborgare som älskade Stockholm!

Fantastiskt goda skaldjur!!!

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Wow! What a service! And what fine seafood! Night bonus was to run the radio controlled räkbåten.

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Always happy! The staff were incredibly tasty food and good drinks. Visited you an x number of times in Gothenburg and it's incredibly fun to see you grow.

An extra big thanks to the spoof of Jonathan who put a silver lining on the night! You do a really good job.

See you so...

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If you love seafood then this is the right place!
My wife ate rödtungan and she was more than pleased ... Good wines and friendly staff!

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Fantastic service and clearly tastiest prawns in Stockholm! Highly recommended:)

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Very nice atmosphere and wonderful concept with fish basin in the middle. Fish and shellfish stew, it was really really good and swept clean the plate properly! Taste of barbeque in the base with fish and seafood. It really recommended. Think also to other dishes taste great get to visit Stockholm a...

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Very nice place and staff. 5 of 5 stars!

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A real ones among the taverns in Central stockholm. The food was amazingly good and the service got a feel warm welcoming.

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Best fish and seafood restaurant I've eaten at. Ate pot when I was there last, fantastic! :)

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A given stop each time the capital visitor. Excellent seafood and fish dishes, where pot is a definite favorite!

The service is top class, indoor pool with a nice feature and the restaurant offers a whole that is hard to beat. Only negative is that they do not remain in Gothenburg anymore:)

Saw the previous reviews and thought we'd give this place a try. It was such a disappointment. Zero atmosphere, the seafood was not particularly good nor fresh, and the service was dire even when the restaurant only had a few tables. If you're after decent seafood, there are a host of be...

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A very nice place, good food and Nice staff. Fun features with fish pond, both for small and big kids