We have categorised the cuisine at Sushi Koyama as:
- Sushi
- Japanese
Sushi Koyama is a restaurant on Mäster Samuelsgatan 10, City/Norrmalm in Stockholm.
Tidigare låg Depå Sushi här, men 2011 öppnade Sushi Koyama i lokalerna. Sushin beställs på markplanet för att sedan ätas en trappa upp eller hämtas med. På menyn finner man ett stort utbud av kvalitetssushi till humana priser. Observera att de stänger redan klockan 19.30, så vill du ha middag får du köpa med dig hem i tid.
By | Rating | Count |
| 6 |
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When it comes to budget sushi is Koyama (old Account) in a class of its own. Get 13 (large) pieces for $ 110, and the quality is equal to finsushi. Avokodo-pieces are the largest (have to bite off, which I know is wrong really, but I like it) and the finest I have eaten. The "grilled" (don...
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When I go to Koyama, I don't expect to be amazed or to try out the flavors I've never encountered before. I expect instead good quality but in simple manners-the most creative on my plate tends to be the grilled salmon with chilli (kimchi?) -Mayonnaise-and exactly it delivers Koyama. Here...
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I usually have lunch at Koyama and I must say that after eating here I stopped to go to some other sushiställen because I do not like long they up to scratch. Koyama is awesome and good and affordable. I usually take their laxsushi (be they grill the salmon) that comes with chilomajo or their s...
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Jag har tröttnat på dessa hak som har kineser som kockar och gör sushi. De har mycket dåliga kunskaper i detta och de bör hålla sig till kinesmat. Det är billigt här men sushin är inte bra.
By | Rating | Count |
| 6 |
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We have categorised the cuisine at Sushi Koyama as:
We have categorised Sushi Koyama in the price range Budget (£).
Yes, you can order food to go from Sushi Koyama.
Yes, Sushi Koyama have sushi on their menu.
Yes, you can have lunch at Sushi Koyama.
Sushi Koyama is located at Mäster Samuelsgatan 10, 111 44, City, Norrmalm. Nearby is Berzelii park, Stockholm. Nearest subway is Östermalmstorg (approximately 150m away).