Sushi Koyama

6 ratings
£ Restaurant
Sushi Koyama
6 ratings

Sushi Koyama is a restaurant on Mäster Samuelsgatan 10, City/Norrmalm in Stockholm.

Tidigare låg Depå Sushi här, men 2011 öppnade Sushi Koyama i lokalerna. Sushin beställs på markplanet för att sedan ätas en trappa upp eller hämtas med. På menyn finner man ett stort utbud av kvalitetssushi till humana priser. Observera att de stänger redan klockan 19.30, så vill du ha middag får du köpa med dig hem i tid.

We want to know what you think!
12 Isak E. Louise N. Tuva K.
12 Eva G. Elin E. Nathalie K.

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We want to know what you think!
12 Isak E. Louise N. Tuva K.
12 Eva G. Elin E. Nathalie K.

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What kind of food is served at Sushi Koyama?

We have categorised the cuisine at Sushi Koyama as:

  • Sushi
  • Japanese

What is the cost of dining at Sushi Koyama?

We have categorised Sushi Koyama in the price range Budget (£).

Can I order takeaway from Sushi Koyama?

Yes, you can order food to go from Sushi Koyama.

Does Sushi Koyama serve sushi?

Yes, Sushi Koyama have sushi on their menu.

Does Sushi Koyama serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Sushi Koyama.

Where is Sushi Koyama?

Sushi Koyama is located at Mäster Samuelsgatan 10, 111 44, City, Norrmalm. Nearby is Berzelii park, Stockholm. Nearest subway is Östermalmstorg (approximately 150m away).