The Burgundy – ratings and reviews

Reviews of The Burgundy


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Update 2023:
Still super cozy and good service. However, the food has gotten a bit worse. The menu only includes super-heavy dishes and the portions are unpalatable. Lowers to a four.

Such an incredibly nice place! I like that it's tiny and that you basically sit on each other. He...

Till The Burgundy går du när du behöver ett klassiskt säkert kort. Den du håller kär fyller år och du vill imponera med en riktigt bra vinlista och klassiska franska rätter.
Inredningen är klassisk med rödvita rutiga dukar, personalen är...


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Update 19.02.14

Easily raises to a five.
The atmosphere is sick cozy despite the small, crowded and buzzy local. A little difficult to talk because it gets quite high noise level but it is wonderful in any case. Dim lighting and cuddles.
The service is wonderful, pleasant and accomm...

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After a minor disappointment at Pubologi about a week ago I was at the weekend back at The Burgundy, which is a small bar in conjunction with the other Leijontornet-restaurants. I don't know what counts as a back pocket, but as I see it, The Burgundy wine bar belongs to Tweed, but all sitting t...

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Ended up here by chance. After a dinner on the animal, we became curious about the wine bar next door. We were lucky and two vacancies were available at the bar. We realize that there are three guys behind there that we recognize, from Little Ego, three guys who so many times guided us there on Vä...

Kanske Stockholms mest prisvärda middagsrestaurang?
Vi delade på sikromschips för 95kr och en hel vårkyckling, pommes, tomatsallad med tomater i olika färger, lök, gräslök och fransk dressing och choronsås för 2 för yngla 250kr. Allt var...

Mycket bra ställe. Precis i min smak, mysigt, surrigt, relativt hög ljudnivå dock. Annars, extremt trevligt. Var där med kunder, även de imponerades. Dit kommer jag definitivt fler gånger!