Leijontornet 12x8

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££££ Restaurant
Leijontornet 12x8
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Leijontornet 12x8 is a restaurant on Lilla Nygatan 5, Old Town in Stockholm.

Fine dining-krog i Gamla Stan som tidigare var öppen 12 gånger om året. Idag är restaurangen öppen för slutna sällskap.

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What is the cost of dining at Leijontornet 12x8?

We have categorised Leijontornet 12x8 in the price range High (££££).

What kind of food is served at Leijontornet 12x8?

We have categorised the cuisine at Leijontornet 12x8 as:

  • European
  • Swedish

Is it expensive to eat at Leijontornet 12x8?

Leijontornet 12x8 is in the high-end price range, so visitors can expect to pay more than at most other restaurants.

Where is Leijontornet 12x8?

Leijontornet 12x8 is located at Lilla Nygatan 5, 111 28, Old Town. Nearby is Stortorget, Stockholm. Nearest subway is Gamla Stan (approximately 100m away).