
Top 100
32 ratings
Cocktail bar
32 ratings

Nabo has been a popular addition to the neighbourhood ever since they opened their doors right next to Tegnérlunden park. The restaurant draws in crowds of regulars and locals who come to eat Nordic-inspired dishes or enjoy a well-mixed cocktail at the bar. Their sister restaurant 34B is downstairs.

This intimate restaurant refers to itself as "your gastronomical neighbour". Nabo's light and airy dining room just a stone's throw from Drottninggatan and next to the park serves food with a strong sustainable philosophy, using produce sourced exclusively from the Nordic region. Inspiration comes from both land and sea, with both classic and modern elements to the menu, and the decor has a similarly Nordic feel. Green bentwood chairs, blonde wood, well-stocked shelves of wine and a long, minimalist bar. Guests include locals who drop by for a bite to eat - occasionally accompanied by their dogs. You can also book the restaurant's chef's table at the back of the dining room and watch as the chefs work their magic.

If you feel like hanging out at the bar, they serve selected wines as well as creative cocktails. Modern mixology is the name of the game and Nabo's mixologists blend cocktails from unexpected and unusual ingredients. Just like their food, the emphasis is on pared-back, Nordic influences.

Downstairs, you'll find Studio Nabo - a chambre séparée with rustic stone walls and an arched ceiling - where you can arrange anything from cocktail courses to family dinners. Nabo's sister restaurant 34B is on the same floor.



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Nabo, vilket lyft!
Trevlig lokal högst uppe på Drottninggatan vid Tegnerslunden. Vi var här en fredag och desto senaste klockan blev desto mer partystämning blev det.

Vi delade på förrätter och snacks som var smakrika och vällagade. Till varmr...


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Great location near the Tegnérlunden. The room is large and open with fresh and modern décor.

I ate a vegetarian dish from the menu board which changes regularly. Cauliflower, roasted seeds, pumpkin seeds and certainly more things. Anyway really good!

The staff was ve...

Had a really nice meal and quite a few drinks with a large party here - good service, an airy, contemporary interior and really nice food - the ceviche was yum!

So good! Great service and amazing food.

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Have had time for two dinners here and it is a great place to come to and to return to. The food is very good, the service is good, the liveliness is on top but what stands out is the bar. The level of bar staff is astonishingly high and they are getting both guests and staff up and running. Clearly...

Jätte bra och trevlig restaurang. Maten är fantastisk och det är också servicen. Verkligen värd att besöka

Bra med stora utbud med Vin! Bra restaurang nära mig som bor i Kungsholmen. Kommer tillbaka 😊

Mysig atmosfär, bra musik, god mat, bra utbud på vinner och drinkar. Perfekt för en dejt.

Rikigt fin och mysigt stället där man känner sig välkommen av personalen. Maten ligger i harmoni med upplevelsen och smakerna sitter som det ska. Avsluta det hela med en välbalanserad cocktail. Rekomenderas starkt !

God mat, schysst stämning och trevliga servitörer. Väl värt ett besök!

Mycket trevlig personal och god mat.
En mycket trevlig hovmästare med fint skägg

Härlig atmosfär med uppmärksam och professionell personal. Maten vällagad och presenteras med noggrannhet. Priserna är rimliga för kvaliteten på maten och servicen. Definitivt värt fler besök. Även baren är perfekt att hänga i för 1 g...

En fantastisk atmosfär och utmärkt service. Jag rekommenderar verkligen att förhöja en tisdagskväll på Nabo med god middag, för att runda av med dryck och standup. Restaurangen levererar under helgerna, oavsett om du söker en mysig stund eller festlig atmosfär.

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Breakfast was Tegnérlunden. The décor is modern with light wood elements.
Have only had time to test the lunch (3 occasions), which has been really good. A nice detail is that it always serves a little appetizer ence of a soup.
Will definitely come back for dinner soon.


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Edit Nov 2020: Been here a few times now and think they've gotten better and better. Was really good last time and the place itself is very nice. Only thing I would complain about today is that the menu is a bit boring.

Old review: Likes Nabo. Have hung out here at the bar a few times,...

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Nabo feels like a very nice neighborhood restaurant, full of people in a nice and cozy room. The food was more than just good, we all thought. Price level is ok, at least not too expensive. Highly recommend if you are in the hooks, super good location after a cinema at Grand if you do not live in th...

Jag gillar verkligen Nabo då det är en slags restaurangkameleont som funkar lika bra för lunch och middag som för en avslappnad AW med kompisarna. Läget är också bra och det ligger på lagom avstånd från andra trevliga tillhåll. God mat, tr...

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If you're around and hungry, it's definitely a good stop. The service is nice and both the food and the room are ok. Unfortunately, not the least bit inspiring.

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Eaten lunch here three times now and I have not been disappointed once again.
Good food. Good bars with good drinks. The staff were very friendly and helpful.

Åt middag med kund och hade fått en bokningsbekräftelse på att få sitta avskilt. Det hade inte gått fram till personalen men det gjorde inget. Vi fick byta bord och vi satt helt avskilt som det var sagt. Servicen var bra och vi blev uppassade hela middagen. ...

Reviews in the press

DN Krogkommissionen

· 3 out of 5 · 2019-01-17

“Nabo vid Tegnérlunden har goda förutsättningar att bli en kroginstitution.”

SvD Krogguiden

· 4 out of 6 · 2018-12-06

“Modern och lekfullt vällagad nordisk mat serveras hos nykomlingen vid Tegnérlunden.”

Allt om Stockholm

· 3 out of 5 · 2018-12-04

“Nabo levererar hemmakväll med lyxlir”

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What type of bar is Nabo?

We have categorised Nabo as:

  • Cocktail bar

What is the cost of dining at Nabo?

We have categorised Nabo in the price range Mid-range (£££).

What kind of food is served at Nabo?

We have categorised the cuisine at Nabo as:

  • Scandinavian

Does Nabo have outdoor seating?

Yes, Nabo offers outdoor seating for guests to enjoy their drinks outside.

Can I bring my dog to Nabo?

Yes, Nabo is dog friendly, which means you can bring your dog.

Where is Nabo?

Nabo is located at Tegnérgatan 34, 114 24, City, Vasastan. Nearby is Observatorielunden, Stockholm. Nearest subway is Rådmansgatan (approximately 300m away).