Tennstopet – ratings and reviews

Reviews of Tennstopet

Middag igår på anrika Tennstopet. Tennstopet öppnade år 1867 så historien sitter verkligen i väggarna. Klassisk svensk husmanskost på menyn. Råbiff och köttbullar blev dagens kvällsmat. Gott och klassiskt, allt man kan förvänta sig fr...

En favorit när det kommer till husmanskost. Helt okej toastskagen, och mycket god Biff Rydberg. Väldigt trevlig personal.

Tennstopet funkar alltid! God mat och trevlig personal. Köttbullarna är väldigt goda, likaså råbiffen med dom frasiga pommesarna.

Super bra uteservering med sol hela dagen där man kan ta ett glas!🥂


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Lovely neighborhood restaurant! Nice decor, good service and good food.

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Visited several times and never been disappointed, especially not on the meatballs. Fairly easy to get a table on the outdoor terrace despite the central and popular place.

Bäst i klassen ”svensk husman”! Bra klassiska rätter med riktigt hög kvalitet, bra service och härligt stimmig stämning i lokalen


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Had heard mkt about their well-made home cooking dishes. We were a party of two. Split the appetizer called 3 assietter-chefs choice. Then we got old man's mess, Skagen and herring, no oddities and it was good! Then we also took French onion soup and it unfortunately did not live up to expectat...

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A visit to Tennstopet is like traveling 50 years back in time and it feels like you almost become a little part of "Our time is now", that's about where my reference to this type of restaurant extends. Especially with mobile bans!

Normally, I don't like this kind of stuf...

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Like stepping into a restaurant in Scotland, Hjorthuvuden on the wall, crowded and noisy! You are greeted by the closet and will be amazed at what help you get, here the glow of the light it costs 20 bucks! Once in the restaurant is talked and laughs it, nice to get rid of eating to nightclub music!...

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Tennetopet has been in business for over 20 years. Good service but the food is, unfortunately, not all the way. A disturbing detail is is closet compulsion on 20kr..

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Had given 5 out of 5 if it wasn't for an incident I had there. Stood as usual and tried to find plank steak on the menu when I felt a stick in the right arm. Checked to the right to inspect said arm. Seeing that a dart arrow has buried in my biceps and I get a little confused. Had it always bee...


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Just had lunch a few times. Later today the meatballs, which were good. Even eaten a good Skagen toast. The only thing I haven't been thrilled with was the Burger that was perhaps not a direct hit. Love story in place and the charm of the outdated, although I might prefer the more their (Vassa...

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Love this classic place where the history is almost felt on the plate. The staff were very friendly and helpful.

På namnkunniga Tennstopet har jag spisat både lunch, en- och tvårättersmiddag de senaste två, tre åren. Senast ett helkvällskalas i stort sällskap.

Inredningen är charmigt ålderdomlig och sekelskifteslik men mest så i salongerna...

Ett härligt hak helst om man får sitta i den gamla matsalen eller i en myshörna en trappa ned. Lite stökigt och skramligt men god mat. Testat allt från sill till Gåsamiddag. Ett hett tips är Wienerschnitzeln - to die for. Gå dit och upplev lite av the good...

Jag var till Tennstopet med en kamrat och åt mina favoriträtt Biff Rydberg. Rätten var riktigt god och personalen effektiv och trevlig. Chocken kom då jag besökte herrtoaletten en trappa upp från entrén. En frän urindoft slog mig rakt i ansiktet då...

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A Stockholm Classic. Home cooking in the traditional pub atmosphere. Wide selection of dishes, which is very good, but can be quite a long wait on the food and the service is just okay.

Var på anrika Tennstopet på en snabb lunch idag. Lunchmenyn passade varken mig eller mitt sällskap i smaken så vi valde deras klassiska köttbullar från huvudmenyn, överkomligt pris! Moset, lingonen och gurkan var super, dock tyckte jag köttbullarna var lit...

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We were a party of 5 people who ate lunch and everyone was happy! I took the rhyming salmon and it was great! Also got a taste of their Toast Skagen and also it was very nice!

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Given classic Swedish home cooking. Extra good in the spring when the open-air restaurant just opened and you can take a weekend lunch and check out at passersby.